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Townpage East Canada Enterprise

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•  べんり職業別電話帳「テレフォンページ」電子書籍版 は発行されました。


•  We are pleased to announce that an ebook version of Telephone Page has been published.

                                                        Townpage East Canada Enterprise 







初めてトロントへ 出張したのは、14年前の2000年の3月のことでした。

その、出張の最終日に、立ち寄った、 日本食材店で、手に取ったのが、




再びトロントへ 来たのは8月のことでした。カバンの中に、出張の際に

手に入れたタウンページを携え、 世界第二位の国土を持つカナダの巨大な

大地を前に、機内で武者震いをしながら迎えた、 トロント空港への着陸の




語りつくせないものがあります。 四六時中タウンページと共に過ごし、




自宅そして会社の 机の上には、その年発行のタウンページが、生活そして





と共に、 私がこのタウンページと共に歩み、受けた感動を、少しでも多く

の方々に、この電話帳を通し ご提供することが出来ればと、思っており




伝統を守りつつ、これからも進化を続け、より一層、 皆様に親しまれ、

愛される べんり職業別電話帳「タウンページ」東部カナダ版 の発行を 





“Townpages and I” 

- on publishing the Directory starting the 2015 edition -


Working in the United States as an expatriate employee, it was in 2000 

that I first visited Canada on business to conduct marketing research.  

On my last day in Canada I visited a Japanese grocery store and 

picked up a copy of the Townpage directory.


In June that year my company decided to expand its business in Canada, 

and I was appointed to open an office in Toronto.  That was how I was 

back in Toronto in August, with the copy of the Townpage which I got on 

my last visit, and kept with me since.  I still remember landing on the 

Toronto Airport, all excited to start my new venture in the second largest 

country in the world. 


I cannot comment enough on how much this Directory helped me 

through these years.  Townpage was with me at all times.


No matter how many years I spent in Canada, Townpage was part of 

my life in Canada. Every year, that year’s edition of Townpage was at my 

desk at work and at home.  The Directory helped me greatly in all aspects 

of my life in Canada.


Starting the 2015 edition which will be published in January next year, 

I will be the publisher for Townpage.  All of the assistance and the support 

I received from the Japanese, the Japanese Canadian, and the local 

communities through Townpage I will strive to pay forward to the users of 

this Directly. 



Townpage has a proud history of 20 years of publication.  I shall work hard 

to keep the tradition going, and to publish the “Townpage” Eastern Canada 

edition for years to come, improving every year.

Kojiro Jimmy Watanabe 




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